Oct 4, 2020 • Samson Doolin, Senior Pastor FCFWO
In life there is this law that we call, cause & effect. Essentially, it says, for every effect there is usually a cause. Over the next 4 weeks I'll be unpacking the cause & effects of Flops, Failures & Fumbles. We'll look at why people set themselves up for failure, What Is the wrong response to failure. And we will discuss what to do when you fail.
Causes of Failure
1. Because We Don't Look Ahead and Plan
2. We Give up Too Soon.
3. When We Think We've Arrived.
4. We Don't Seek God's Guidance.
Proverbs 21:12
"A sensible man watches for problems ahead and prepares to meet them. A simpleton never looks and suffers the consequences."
Proverbs 19:2
"It's not good to have zeal without knowledge nor to be hasty and miss the way."